Lost-ark:Privacy policy

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Icy Wiki is legally owned and operated by VEDATIS SAS, a company registered in Lyon, France (registration number: 532 111 887 RCS Lyon), whose offices are located 7, rue Gustave Chamboeuf, 69100 Villeurbanne, France.

In practice, the site is owned and administered by Damien Thivolle and Vlad-Matei Mladin.

Icy Wiki cares about the privacy of its readers. We are aware of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) that came into effect on May 25th, 2018, and it is our sincere desire to be in full compliance with this regulation.

On this page, you will find all the information related to user data, explained fully, and as clearly and plainly as possible. We regularly reference GDPR to better provide context to our stance.

Data We Collect

The data we collect on you as an Icy Wiki user depends on how you use the site. In this section, we will cover all the different types of personal data (as per the definition of GDPR) that we collect and explain why we collect it, while the sections below will explain how we use that data, how long we retain it for, and how you can access and modify it.

Server Logs

The Icy Wiki servers are hosted at OVH, which collects several pieces of information in their server logs: hour of connection, partial IP address (more on this below), page requests, etc. This information is collected from all users who access the site.

The IP address has the last 2 octets removed as soon as we receive it, thus providing anonymity, and making it so that, in reality, we do not see or store any actual, usable IP addresses in our logs. The remaining (first) part of the IP address is useful to us because it allows us, among other things, to observe the behaviour of the Google “bots” that crawl our pages, thus helping us improve our search engine optimization.

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics on Icy Wiki in order to monitor our traffic. It consists in a javascript program, executed by your browser, that collects different types of non personal information and sends them to Google. From this data, traffic statistics are drawn up by Google Analytics, which we then have access to. The data Google Analytics collects includes:

  • Internet browser type and version;
  • previously browsed page (where you came to the site from);
  • hour of connection;
  • number of pages seen;
  • time spent on each page.

When we say that this information is non personal, we mean that it is impossible for us to correlate the behaviour of any given user that makes up the statistics of Google Analytics with the actual identity of a user. We have no way to access the raw information collected by Google Analytics, and can only view the statistics.

These statistics are vital to the short and long-term operation of the website, since without them we would be unable to evaluate which guides perform well, optimize search engine ranking visibility, and so on.

In terms of GDPR, Google Analytics is a “data processor”, and they are obliged to make sure that they conform to the regulations, through their own privacy policy.

Furthermore, we have enabled IP masking (anonymization) in Google Analytics. You can read more about that here, but in short it means that “Analytics removes the last octet of the user’s IP address prior to its use and storage.”, which should further alleviate privacy concerns and ensure that even less personal information about users is stored in general.


If you create an account and you choose to provide us with an e-mail address as part of the registration process, this is stored in our logs.

Also, all users have their IP addresses logged by our software.

The e-mail addresses and IP addresses are only visible to the 2 aforementioned website administrators and Neurony, the software development company who helped create and helps maintain this website.


If you communicate with us, either through e-mail at contact@icywiki.com or through private messaging, we may maintain a record of this communication. We also may maintain a record of contributions you make on the website.

How We Use Your Data

In short, Icy Wiki will never sell the information listed above to anyone.

We may share some of the information above either with the express consent of the user, or in one of the following scenarios.

  • when required to do so by law;
  • in order to defend our rights and interests in response to claims made against us;
  • when it is necessary to diagnose and repair technical issues on the website.

User IP addresses are only used to be able to reasonably manage the community (enforcing bans on users who try to circumvent a ban by creating a new account, etc.).

User e-mail addresses are never shared with anyone, and only used internally for the management of accounts.

We will never send you e-mails unless you specifically choose to opt in to such a feature, or unless we are legally obligated to do so (such as to notify you in case of a data breach).

Data Retention

Account e-mail addresses are maintained for the duration of the existence of the account, and for 1 year after that, while connection IP addresses and talk history is maintained for the duration of the existence of the account and, once the account is no longer active, for 1 year from the time of posting. This last part is required by French law, to which we are subject.

Control Over Your Data

As part of our efforts to provide you with the required means to exercise your rights of access, rectification, erasure, and restriction, you can always e-mail us at contact@icywiki.com for any data-related matters.

This is also the e-mail address you should use if you wish to delete your account.

How We Protect Your Information

The security of your information is important to us. Icy Wiki implements safeguards to protect the information we collect. However, no website or Internet transmission is completely secure. We urge you to take steps to keep your personal information safe, such as choosing a strong password and keeping it private, as well as logging out of your user account, and closing your web browser when finished using Icy Wiki on a shared or unsecured device.


Cookies are used on Icy Wiki for registration, traffic analysis, and advertisement purposes. The Guardian has a very good article written about cookies and we encourage you to read it here, as we feel that it would be pointless to try and write something ourselves that would end up being far inferior.

Children’s Privacy

Icy Wiki is not directed at or intended for children under the age of 13 (or under the applicable age limit, in such countries where there is a different limit). Protecting the privacy of the very young is especially important to us, for that reason, we never knowingly collect or maintain information from children under the age limit.

Children under the age limit should not use our service, and if you are the parent or legal guardian of someone under the age limit, you are encouraged to contact us and we will delete any data on the child.


For enquiries regarding our privacy policy, please use contact@icywiki.com.
